Sunday, December 16, 2007

Me, Myself and I

It's tough being alone like this especially in such a far-flung place like Mindanao. Good thing Wi-Fi Internet Connection is available and free of charge here, else I would have gone crazy in a matter of days. However, the upside of it is, being alone like this gives me a kind of peace and quiet I could never attain somewhere else. It gives me the freedom to know myself better, get in touch with my inner self and just talk to myself. Sometimes I amuse myself by taking loads of photos of myself and only myself as the subject, vanity of sorts.
Today I bought a couple of things in Limketkai Mall, books, some pens, stapler and staple wires, a bag I could not make up my mind whom to give yet, three blouses, two male shirts I also am not sure whom to give for Christmas (probably my brother), sometimes I could only think of one or two special people but I had bought them gifts already, redundant...yet that's me. I admit I could be a spoiler most of the time. If I am so happy with a person, I tend to give him/her so much attention and forget all the others.
The hotel chef or something just brought my dinner in, which consisted of a bowl of cream of chicken soup, chopsuey, a piece of mango and a cup of rice, but here I am still hooked in my computer. I am almost forgetting the taste of rice, this is one of the few regular meals I have in days since I arrived Iligan. What a crazy, hectic life but full of learning and funny adventures! I could only shrug off my shoulders and say "whatever" any minute. Then I recollect every event that happened, I smile at the thought.
I bet somebody's charmed by my "charm" again, I am irked yet flattered, how can this be? Sometimes I wish I am not this amiable. But well, I could not help it, they are only human beings. I am happy I was able to handle the situation well. I hope this support would be concluded soon so that I could live in normalcy again.
Speaking of normalcy, I think I have to start eating else I'd get more abnormal. hehehehe

1 comment:

::OnlineJunkie:: said...

Wow. Welcome to blogspot. Keep those blogs comin.